Since 1996
Mon-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm
Sunday Closed
Your One Stop Shop For Your NEON SIGN NEEDS
Rosemallows is a 1980's Tropical bar with a Miami Vice meets vintage Long Beach vibe. Craft cocktails and culturally-influenced food with no geographical boundaries.
Custom Neon Sign Package for Rosemallows Bar in 255 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90802
It is hard to disagree that neon signs has a special appeal in advertising one's business.
Because of its popularity, almost all establishment or business has a neon signs. From restaurant interiors to advertisement boards, neon signs are everywhere. Whether you want to promote your brand, convey a specific message, or simply add a personal touch, the neon custom bar signs offer a range of creative possibilities.
Custom Neon Bar Sign Package: Orange Stigma with Surrounding Neon Double Strip in Electrifying Light Blue and Pink Neon by Designer Neon Signs - Orange County Storefront Neon Sign Company
To make neon signs truly unique and personalized, customization options are available, allowing you to add a logo or message of your choice.
Neon bar signs are popular decorative items that add a vibrant and retro ambiance to bars, restaurants, and other establishments. With their mesmerizing glow and eye-catching designs, effortlessly draw attention and beckon patrons to enter a realm of conviviality and celebration.
Custom Neon Signs have long been a popular choice for bars and establishments in the hospitality industry.
How to Choose the Right Size and Placement for your Custom Neon Sign
When it comes to choosing the right size and placement for your neon sign, there are several factors to consider in order to maximize its impact and visibility.
Firstly, think about the purpose of your sign and where it will be placed. Determine the viewing distance and angle for optimal readability. For instance, if your sign will be viewed from a distance, a larger size is necessary to ensure legibility.
Additionally, consider the available space and surroundings where the sign will be installed. Take into account any potential obstructions or competing visual elements that might affect its visibility.
It's also essential to consider the typography and design of your sign, ensuring that the size complements the overall aesthetic and readability of the message.
Custom Neon Bar Sign Package: Hibiscus with Pink Neon - Designed, Fabricated, and Installed by Designer Neon Signs
Since 1996
Designer Neon Sign Company has tremendous capabilities for complete signage fabrication.
Our sign fabricators are experienced in producing practically any type of neon sign products imaginable. From custom, one-of-a-kind business neon signages to large-scale sign installation projects for local, regional and national clients.
Thank you in advance for the opportunity to be on your signage project.